sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

How many errors can you see?


No texto abaixo existem diversas palavras erradas, veja o video e confira se o narrado fala elas realmente, algumas tem erros de grafia, por isso é melhor ficar atento, use um dicionário para facilitar o seu trabalho.

primeiro circule a palavra que você acha que está errada e depois procure no dicionário. Esse exercício vai ajudar a melhorar seu "listening" e seu "writing"

Pâté de foie gras

“Hello, I`m Roger moore from people for the ethical treetment of animal with an important mesage about Foies Gras. Everione who have ever saw ducks and geese skimming across the lake in a graceful landing, properly knows these energetic birds are delighted to be alive. They are interesting individuals with distinct personalities who in the wild recognize and develop committed caring relationships with one other. They are meticulous clean even keeping them nest free of debris. Ducks are natural athletes who fly hundreds of miles each year and flies as fast to 16 miles per hour. But into these foie gras farms, ducks and geese are denied their every desire, they will never see a lake or a stream, never breathe fresh air or feel some of they facts and never fly at all. Here they are abused in the way it will be llegal if they are cats or dogs, and they are slaughtered when they are only 13 months old.

Foie Gras which means “fatty liver”  is an painful liver deseease that should be treated by a veterinarian, but it is instead cruelly and intentionally induced on foie gras factory farms through out the world. As revolting as it is to eat an toy diseased organ, the cruel treatment of the birds is even more disturbing.

 Ducks and geese on foie gras farms are confined to tiny crates and cages that are ofen so small that the birds can`t spread a single wing, they are packed inside duck fulfilled sheds where they live surrounded by their own wasty without access to so much to a plaid of brass, or a breath of fresh air. Imagine having pipes jammed through your throat and food pumped directly pumped into your stomach repeatedly so if you felt as it you might explode. This is what ducks and geese endure everyday solely to satisfay the demand for foie gras, through this painful forced feeding in process birds have as much as 3 pounds of food pumped into their small bodyies everydai.

In human terms that roughly 43 pounds of pasta, every single pray until they develop a disease that causes their livers to enlarge up to ten times their normal size. The pipes scrape along the inside of the terrified birds throat causing intense pain, bruising and deep cashes .when the liver which is suppose to clear the toxins of the body becomes diseased and massively enlarged, birds often become sick and unable to move, many birds tear their own feathers as result of a extreme stress. sick, diseased and unable to move under the extreme weigt of their livers. Many birds is unable to defend themselves through rats anoying on their open wounds.

Investigations in foies gras farms in the United states and Europe has always turned up in the same thing: sick, dead, and dying animals, many with holes punched through their necks. An investigation by animal protecting rescue league found one farm where ducks have their wings twisted together in titling packed cages and bloody beaks jammed into cages wires, at another farm birds were dangling by wires as blood spilled from wounds in their necks formed pools on lying birds below them. After been subjected to this constant pain and torture everybody month, ducks and geese are checkled upside down and their throats are cut. Foies gras founds are so cruel that forced feeding birds ass being banned in many countryes including the UK, Israel and Switzerland.

In 2004 Washington governor A. Scwatzengger also signed the bill which outlaw the production and sale of Foie gras in the state of California, but many restaurants continue to serve this horribly cruell product, please joint me and complicit this kind people everywhere by never eating foie gras and by telling your friends or relatives and restaurant owners that foie gras is a disease not a delicacy.”

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